martes, 15 de julio de 2014

Week 2: Tense Review (Part 2)

Past Tense Review

Take Quiz 2 to review the verb be, regular and irregular verbs:

Take Quiz 3 to review the negative form:

Listen to what I did on my last birthday. Now do the same for you:

I had a great time on Saturday night. It was my birthday and I wore my new jeans. I walked to my friend Alex’s house and then we drove to Barrigas

We met our friends Erwin and Juan at the restaurant. We had dinner there and we talked about work because Juan has a new job. We also talked about the World Cup and  about the surprising game between Germany and Brazil. We really liked the food so we stayed in the restaurant for two hours! We left the restaurant at about 10.00 o’clock and went to a bar

At the bar the drinks were expensive, but we met some nice girls. We left the bar very late – about 1.30 in the morning. Juan was the designated driver, so he took us home.  

It was a fun birthday. I received a few presents and, best of all, the phone number of one of the girls!

Record yourself on Quiz 4:

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